
The message is one of real change, summarized by one line:

But now that the standard-bearer has been defeated, it is time to help build a home for the Liberty voters in the Republican Party here in Maryland and nationwide. And so, the restructuring begins with us.

I think I’ve said this someplace before but I have been a Central Committee member for over 6 years now, which means this is the fourth election cycle I’ve gone through. And every one of the even-numbered year Fall Conventions I’ve gone to – the ones occurring immediately after an election – resemble a wake in most respects. The only signs of life seem to come from the “renegades” of the party who are sick of losing and top-down leadership. Count me in among that group.

We’ve been told that the insurgents can’t win, so the people at the top have asked us to back (in order) Bob Ehrlich, John McCain, Bob Ehrlich, and Mitt Romney. Based on Maryland election results that would be foul out, strikeout, strikeout caught looking, and whiff once again. 0-for-4.

So it seems to me we have two choices: accept being a permanent minority and run candidates who scurry to the so-called center the first chance they get, paying lip service to conservative principles, or selecting a candidate who paints his political canvas in bold colors, daring voters to follow his lead. Some guy named Reagan did that pretty well, as I recall. Considering the record of success we’ve had, we may as well stand on principle and present a clear choice – am I right?

Obviously this all comes with a caveat, because Patrick McGrady of Maryland Liberty PAC – the sponsor of the e-mail message – has his share of critics both inside and outside the party. Some would argue he’s not a good role model since he’s failed to win elective office (he ran for Aberdeen mayor last year and lost.) Well, that makes him just as successful as a lot of other Republicans.

From what it looks like, the idea behind the e-mail was one of infiltration, a new “Renegade Room” of sorts. The group has raised enough to have a hospitality suite at the Fall Convention, where it’s likely they’ll be joined by several would-be statewide candidates trying to line up early support.

So I’m very tempted to ignore the postmortems on a campaign season gone bad, delivered by a group who has failed to make a dent in the Democratic dominance and had to be dragged kicking and screaming into opposing several key issues. (Note well that it was, not the state party, which led the effort against Questions 4, 5, and 6. I wasn’t seeing Alex Mooney or any of the officers canvassing the state campaigning against these ill-considered laws which will now be placed into effect, to the state’s detriment; in fact, two former MDGOP Chairs were instrumental in expanding gambling via crony capitalism.) I also know there’s a group out there who would like to see all new officers put into place before 2014, and while a leadership struggle is perhaps the last thing the Maryland GOP needs – consider the case of Jim Pelura – one can argue that the future can’t get any more bleak than an election where the national candidate gets less than 40 percent in Maryland and Congressional candidates average 33.4% between the eight – a number which includes Andy Harris’s 64% of the vote. The other seven come in at less than 30 percent on average.

Since the Democratic incumbents want to rest on their so-called laurels, we will have to stop bringing knives to a gun fight. Those who know me know I don’t often mince words and right now I consider the 66.6% who voted for the status quo as someplace between sheer idiocy and a state of woeful ignorance. Maybe that violates the old rule about attracting flies with honey rather than vinegar, but a spade is a spade and I saw no reason to retain any of the seven incumbent Democrats who ran when all of their competition was better suited for Maryland.

I don’t have the politician’s gift of gab, so I have to use the sharpest of words to state my case in written form. There’s a place for me in the new and improved Maryland Republican Party and the question is: who will allow me to find it?

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

4 thoughts on “Revolutionary”

  1. if by “renegade” you mean someone willing to risk personal and professional humiliation to advance a conservative agenda, then count me in. when discussing the economy i, and countless others, recognize that the number one problem facing the coming generations is that the there is no way that the supply of welfare dollars will be able to meet the demand of the ever-expanding welfare class. i admit that i do not have accurate numbers, however one does not need to be nostradamus to realize that unproductive, entitlement-receiving non-contributors, regardless of race, at least appear to be breeding at a rate twice to three times that of their more educated, employable, contributing counterparts. as such, the system will, sooner than later, be tapped out. so then, what is the answer? if you’re a “renegade,” the answer lies in reducing the numbers of those in the welfare class so that a balance can be achieved between the numbers of people that contribute welfare dollars and those that use them. how can that be accomplished? the only way is to implement mandatory, reversible birth control among certain targeted populations, again, regardless of race, that tend to create the welfare class. an example would be those who give birth to addicted infants. another would be recidivist felons. another would be those who have had children removed as a result of neglect and/or abuse and have ignored opportunities to alter their circumstances. another would be those that have misused welfare by seeing it as a lifetime crutch rather than what it was intended to be, a temporary aid. while these processes are rooted in common sense and are necessary for the survival of our economy, the average democrat will be aghast at the mere mention of such ideas. any proponent will immediately be labeled a racist and an ethnic cleanser, and will be vilified in an effort to eradicate them from the political scene. with that, hard times call for hard decisions. the only question is who has the balls to get out there and advance the agenda?

  2. Considering that the bulk of the federal budget problems are caused by Social Security and Medicare spending, Brad, I don’t think your “solution” is very well thought out. Or maybe a “renegade” like you will propose killing all the old people. And it is interesting that you leap to forced sterilization to deal with rising welfare spending instead of simply cutting benefits or eligibility.

  3. According to the 2010 census, 49% of food stamp recipients are white. Many of these folks are rural residents in red states. Brad would only be contributing to the continued demise of the Republican Party through his plan of forced contraception. What an idiot.

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