Harris sets me to thinking

They’re a little longer than a radio commercial, yet not long enough to allow attention to wander.

The latest “update” from Andy Harris concerns President Obama’s Stimulus II. Clocking in at 1:38, it essentially goes over once again many of the points I’ve previously discussed, but in an audio format. So I don’t need to beat a dead horse on the specifics.

I would like to take a few moments and talk about the comparison Andy makes to Reagan-era policies, though.

Indeed, most of the country was awash in prosperity once the Reagan economic formula kicked in. It was a little slower to come to my native area because at the time the auto industry was trying to deal with the influx of Japanese imports; cars which were better designed with higher quality than the rustbuckets Detroit was putting out at that time.  So our auto-industry dependent city was not the economic dynamo other portions of the country were.

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