Robinson off the radio soon?

From what I’ve been told the possibility is there. Regardless of the status of his contract with WICO, I’m sure the station could buy him out at any time should they feel it’s warranted. I seem to recall that the ratings book ended about the last of June so results will be forthcoming.

But I’ve come not to bury John Robinson, or to overly praise him for that matter, except where I feel it’s due. I’m just going to give an objective look at where I feel his program is and maybe where improvements can be made. I’ve caught all but a handful of John’s broadcast days as a regular listener; further, I have witnessed the show in operation on one occasion as a “co-host” (April 13th) plus I’m one of his more frequent “serial callers”. The Robinson on the Radio show made its debut March 12 so this review comes at the end of his 17th week on the air, or about 80 shows in.

What intrigued me about his show was the idea of a local afternoon radio program. WICO was making a push for more of a local presence and not just airing syndicated programming all the time (except for Bill Reddish’s morning drive show). So they hired John to do a one hour stint in the afternoon. John had no previous radio experience but pestered the brass at WICO long enough to convince them to take a chance on the unproven talent. And he’s got a helluva lead-in show as he follows Rush Limbaugh. Thus, the opportunity for success seemed pretty good despite the lack of experience – it’s not like John’s totally unknown in Salisbury since he’s an established businessman.

John’s show generally runs with one of three formats: either a guest for the hour, a guest during the first half-hour, or no guest at all. The shows that generally work the best are ones where he has a guest. But the caveat to that is when he runs through the prewritten questions and goes off script, the show bogs down most of the time. I was disappointed when I found out (via his own blog) about the prewritten questions because to me it implies a lack of preparation. I had my own list of talking points when I was on as a “co-host” but I really looked at that as backup material and looked to John to carry the conversation. After all, people generally listen to the host of the show and the job of a good one is to have a interesting conversation with the guest – it just so happens there’s a microphone between the two. I know John Robinson and Bill Reddish can’t be compared in terms of radio experience, but when I do the morning show with Bill it’s just like a conversation between two friends bullshitting about politics because Bill’s handled his share of interviewees, 99.9% of them professionally.

It does help John to have Captain Jim there during the show. I noticed that at the start Captain Jim wasn’t as much a part of the program as he is now, so it’s almost become a dual effort. But please John, lose the “warm, cuddly, lovable” platitudes…oh man, I feel sorry for poor Captain Jim when you gush like that. It was funny shtick for a couple days, now it’s old.

I have to say that one thing I like about John is that he’s fairly animated. You would never confuse him with a droll NPR host. The two are close cousins politically but in terms of style they don’t come anywhere near each other. John just has to be real careful about going out on tangents though because he’ll go from one subject to the next abruptly and never get back to the one he started on. It’s particularly annoying when he does it with a guest. John’s show can get very scatterbrained and because I’m the ADHD type, I can relate to that trait. It doesn’t mean I care for it a great deal though.

The other real problem I have with the program is that it’s still not run all that professionally. He’s not always prepared as he’ll leave his computer at home, or doesn’t think to check the phone lines or give out the phone number and he’s quite undisciplined when it comes to airing his commercial spots. I suppose I’m used to the Limbaugh format as far as commercial timing and number of spots goes, but I’m sure there’s been a couple irate sponsors who got their commercials skipped during John’s show. Now I’m not a huge fan of commercials but those are the people who in essence write his paycheck. So he should give them a bit more respect and rein himself in to get all of the spots done.

And then there’s the minor quibble about him promising more bumper music but not delivering. Nope, I don’t care much for Vanilla Ice, sorry. There’s much better ’80’s and early ’90’s stuff I can think of for good bumper music.

Now there are some good things about the show too. Obviously there’s things I like or I would’ve quit listening long ago!

I like how he has Jimmy Sweet on weekly to discuss the Shorebirds. Yes, I’m a baseball fan and as regular readers know each Thursday during the season is Shorebird of the Week day. It might help the program if he could get some freebies like Shorebird tickets to give away, I’m surprised he doesn’t do that already. (Ok, he’s done it once or twice with his own seats when he knew he wouldn’t be there.) I’m guessing that may be out though simply because another company’s radio station airs the Shorebirds games. But maybe the Orioles?

On the whole though John does manage to secure (or maybe “beg for” is a better term) a good variety of guests on the show. Yeah, I’m not wild about home mortgages or poetry but others might not care for Jimmy Sweet either. And while I’d like to see John Robinson and Joe Albero getting along better, to me it’s good that Joe’s not as much of a feature on the show anymore. I’m stepping no further into that pitched battle, so enough said.

To be frank I’m not certain that many of the changes I’d suggest will be implemented. In my gut I think this radio experiment may be coming to an end for various reasons – ratings most important, but I sort of wonder if Delmarva Broadcasting wouldn’t be looking for a young host to do a full afternoon drive-time talk show from 3 to 6. With John doing this as a sideline (and claiming it’s costing him thousands in business) maybe ratings that aren’t stellar will make the decision for him.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

17 thoughts on “Robinson off the radio soon?”

  1. Mono-Mike:

    Why waste blog-time on this nonsense? There are much more important things — like stopping the TIF subsidy deal for the owners of the old Salisbury Mall before it’s too late.

  2. This is a lenghty but worthy response…

    First.. I have no written contract.. just verbal to do the show.

    The timing couldn’t be worse for me. Right in the middle of my day. I am fortunate to be able to just work early or late to make up the monetary difference. But I miss my customers at my store and that is not a good thing.(and equates to meney lost.) What is the worse thing? — I am missing out on time with my kids.

    I had MY computer hard drive go up a few weeks ago! Although we have 4 computers in the room, I can not access anyting except the basic INTERNET. And I did misplace my laptop, 1 day, my fault.

    I have NEVER skipped anyones commercial during my show except my own. (I do delete most of the PSAs during the show) I have no control over the commercials. Except that I have to play them. This week you may have noticed that the commercials were a little rough. As you have witnessed first hand it takes two arms to run the show and I tore my rotator cuff in my left arm so I am limited.

    As for the bumper music and other things I want to do with show — I have asked to be trained and finally started learning how to use the production room. I will get some more things in the computer control board, sound effects, but my boss is away for 2 weeks vacation.

    It is hard to book guests in this time slot and even harder to listen. This week however has been a great week. I had 8 new callers on Monday alone.

    Finally, I wanted this to be a fun postive show. A place for people of Salisbury to voice everything.

    It will be hard for this to happen because people don’t want to be attacked for hsving an opionion. I have had GUESTS tell me they will not be back because they do not want to be attacked on the internet. This only happens in SALISBURY! I hear these same people on WQMR and they don’t get attacked the next day in the BLOGS!

    I supect that’s because we have a lot more people listening. I will be very honest with you… some days I have hoped they would say, “JOHN, this is your last day!” Others I love doing the show.

    I want and need constuctive critisism. I like it! I want this to work and be fun… as for the show in its last days???? I think your right in regards to how we are doing it right now.
    I know I am good with the station. However, the show has either got to be vamped up or it needs to END this is a decison that lies with me alone. I will let you know if you call in today!

  3. my two cents worth. content. people will listen to a show or host that is not up to par as long as the content is good. realestate scene in oc is a limited liability intriguer… get the drift… over development of the dunes and the downfall of the public beaches would bring in more callers… not the “my condo isn’t quite that big, but at least i got mine” chatter…

    john needs a bit more talk and a lot less schmaltz… about himself.


  4. Once again, Robinson is a Liar.

    I can’t tell you just how many times this guy has told me he can or can’t do something because of his contract with WICO.

    Now he wants to blame his inability of getting Guests on his show because of the Blogs. BS! Your show sucks John Robinson, face it. Yes, you’re a fun guy but you know what John, WICO is NOT a Fraternity Party.

    People don’t WANT to come on your show because its all about you John. You one up each and every one of them and then you tell them how it is by going on and on with your opinion.

    The Blogs and the people that comment on them are fed up with your style and you refused to listen and grow. IF WICO decides to continue with you, (like you said today) how could your show not have better ratings than what was on the air before? That’s right John. However, your shows sucks so bad, they would be better to bring back the old stuff. At least it’s consistent.

    As for your computer. NOPE, that’s not what would happen. You’re so easy to follow Robinson. You have a bad show, the next day you forgot your computer because so many people would BASH you with e-mail the next day or even that day. You’d crash your Blog Site every time someone said anything negative. Then you’d stop posting for a month and swear you were coming out with a website instead. Then you knew the show was failing, so why pay the money so you came back to a Blog. Now you censor it and only allow what you WANT people to see and read and you even go on other Blogs under fictitious names, (even when you HATE other people that do that) and post comments bashing others.

    LIARS never make it John and you’re failing in a big way. Throwing out the fact that you want a two hour long show and then claiming you’re losing $125,000.00 a year doing the one hour long WICO show is yet another joke/lie. Next thing we all will hear is that you’re doing us ALL a favor by doing a two hour show and it’s costing you $250,000.00 a year. Do us all a favor and go away. Mr. I’ve done everything and I make more money than any one of you out there is old John. I hope many people realize that when they bring their clock in for repairs they are supporting your $250,000.00+ a year salary. NOT! By the way, IF you’re that STUPID to throw away $125,000.00 just to have a one hour radio show, well, need I say more? Don’t EVER try to tell everyone you’re NOT paying to be on the air Idiot!

    I just refuse to believe Joe Edwards would be that stupid to keep this show going. Thanks for all the laughs though John.

  5. Last time I checked it was called “Robinson on the Radio”

    As for the other guys comments… even the Jaycees now see how credible he is. Why can’t this guy just leave me alone. I am actually worried for my safety and that of my family as it seems ever more apparent this guy is becoming obsessed with me.

    Bloggers like him are the reason for cameras at my house, email block, and the sole reason I must moderate my personal blog.

    Hate is not needed on any blog. Mike, I will gladly show you my paycheck stub to prove I am an employee of DBC. I even got paid for Holidays! To prove yet another of the hateful lies.

    As for my income, I also buy and sell real estate some 6 in the past few years in the city of Salisbury alone. I would rather make less money, be a good parent, be a good citizen and have a positive impact on my commuity than be a cyberbully anyday!


    Look familiar John?

    Subj: Re: (no subject)
    Date: 6/26/2007 4:13:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time
    To: Alberobutzo

    call me ( or give me your number and ill call you

    I also have photos of you calling my cell phone recently, (this week) NOT leaving me alone. Some of the people here reading this Blog have received that photo too. Guess what John, I have no fear of you.

    Some might ask, why did John only order 140 tee shirts for his show. Let’s see, there’s family and friends and then there’s what, 120 listeners to his show? This guy is just too funny!

    (Phone number deleted upon request, see below.)

  7. Ok children, if we’re going to a game of “he said, she said” take it someplace else. I’m a writer, not a referee.

  8. john, you come across as an egotist. you say you want construstive criticism, but you don’t seem to be able to implement any you receive. you babble on and on, you can’t seem to follow your own argument, you contrdict yourself within the same discussion. you forget to turn the mics on, you forget to turn the mics off, every show seems like its your first. your just not cut out for this format, talk radio. it’s painfull to listen to.
    i think you stay with it, so you can say “well yes, i have my own talk radio program” hitching up your trousers, and doing a good barney fife impersonation…
    you say over and over the show is about us, the listeners, yet no one calls, day after day, or if they do, you’ve forgotten to turn on the phones, or to look at them, or you disconnect them. you say the show is about us, but you like to remind everyone every chance you get, that ” last time i checked it was called ROBINSON ON THE RADIO”.

  9. Sorry Michael but this guy is so full of sh*t, aside from himself, it isn’t funny.

    I take offense to a so called man stating he is in fear for himself and his family, implying I am out to hurt this man without any reason. It reminds me of the Jim Rapp BS where he stated to a Judge I threatened him by saying I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. Robinson has absolutely no grounds to imply statements like he has made.

    If he keeps it up I’ll take my battle to the Court Room where he’ll have to answer for defamation. This is why he uses no names but strongky suggests it’s me, (the blogger) he’s talking about. I wonder what a nice sized lawsuit would do to his reputation?

  10. Mike please remove my cell number from your blog. It is illegal to post with out my permission and is non listed. Just shows you what kind of guy this is.

  11. We (bloggers) all have a right to express our opinions, but remember, THE WORLD IS WATCHING US REPRESENT THE SHORE. Is THIS what the shore is all about? Is this dialog how you folks want the world to view us?

    We can thank the FOB for making us the “11th most dangerous city”
    — but I’d like to thank the haters for making us the ugliest.

    In February, Monoblog addressed the issue of how local bloggers seemed to refuse to respect each other. Monoblog clumped into a list of “anti” blogs although there is no Hate content on the site. At that time Yh8 agreed to honor Monoblogs post and began posting with “HATE FREE COMMENTS”.

    In the month of May, Monoblog revisited the issue and was the only blog site listed to have moved on. In that same post Mr. Albero commented: ” I’d also like to see less and less attacks on the Blogs and everyone step back and start working together”.

    Now, let’s scroll up and review this thread.
    Who’s words can be honored?

    (This is a HATE FREE comment).

  12. Uh, Oh, be careful Johnny, I might be at the Shorebirds Game tonight. Better bring an extra “Depends” in case you have an accident. Heck, bring them for the whole family, since you’re so scared of your own shadow.

  13. Yh8,

    Are you suggesting you have not been on the anti Albero Blog Sites not encouraging people with their comments?

    You’re not at all innocent and perhaps Michael isn’t aware of all those sites and what they say?

    Nevertheless, I wouldn’t trust you as far as I could throw you either.

  14. Trust me Joe, I don’t think I need your trust. I let the peeps judge for themselves. Why don’t you provide us a link to a hateful comment by me about you. Please. — Or can you? Maybe a reward for such a dig?

  15. BTW – I do not create the content “anti-bero” blogs. I’m as responsible of their content as you are. In other words, not at all.

    Just because I read a blog or post comments (Hate Free) on them, does not necessarily mean I agree with the content either.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing what you dig up as far as links to “encouraging” them either. I stand by all of my (HATE FREE) labels.

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