A year ago, the nation watched in shock as an event I figured would draw less than six figures morphed into an invasion of the “people’s house.” Having said that, the government persevered and did what it came to do that afternoon a few hours later, certifying that Joe Biden was the winner of the 2020 election in spite of the doubts of its legitimacy shared by millions. (Sort of like the 2016 election, which those same people who swear up and down that Joe Biden really racked up 81 million votes continue to contend was the election that was actually stolen.) If J6 was a coup, I can’t think of one which failed more miserably in overthrowing the government.
However, maybe J6 was the coup but the target wasn’t those in charge. Perhaps we are still undergoing a slow-motion coup which began with the release and spread of a biological agent at a time when the American economy was firing on all cylinders. We still seem to be stuck at times in that fifteen days to stop the spread, and we see that’s not working as thousands who endured the “jab” and its various side effects are still catching the Wuhan flu, along with many who chose to trust their natural immunity or would not receive the vaccine for legitimate physical or religious reasons. Fortunately, the vast majority survive although too many have not.
At this time in 2020, we were just going through the latter stages of a long presidential campaign that was being slugged out on the Democrat side between the poll leader Bernie Sanders and two others close behind: Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden. And while Donald Trump trailed in the polls, it was close enough to suggest a repeat of 2016. But then the CCP virus showed up and all the voting rules were changed. Imagine that: we went through how many flu epidemics over the years but no one ever decreed the election rules needed to change until Donald Trump was in office.
But somewhere in the dim recesses of my memory I seem to recall hearing that the election would actually play out like it did. The cynic in me believes this survey and story was solely intended to set up the steal by claiming Donald Trump’s election night lead would be overcome by a deluge of late mail-in votes, and what do you know? That’s just how it played out. Imagine that.
It’s a lot easier to steal an election if you have 51% of ballots cast as mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania than a measly 4%. Or 50% in Georgia as opposed to 6%. Or 67% in Michigan rather than 25%. Or 57% in Wisconsin instead of 9%. Or, perhaps, 47% in Delaware rather than 4%. As the survey noted, “Trump leads by a remarkable 68% to 23% among those who say they are very unlikely to vote by mail, and by a still robust 50% to 39% among all but those who say they are very likely to vote by mail. Biden, however, leads among all likely voters by 50% to 40%.” Hey, since the “expected” result was a Biden win, why not manipulate the results to produce what was anticipated anyway? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And if part of addressing the issue involves holding a few hundred criminals whose offense was in essence participating in the same style of “peaceful protest” that occurred in cities around the country in the summer and fall of 2020 in jail for a year to be an example, more’s the better, right?
So color me skeptical that Democrats are really trying to franchise the rest of us by having a federal takeover of elections. If anything, it’s time for states to clean up their voter rolls by making those on the list affirmatively reply they are who they say they are and eliminate ballot harvesting and drop boxes: as we see now in Georgia, that was a surefire invitation to fraud that probably cost Donald Trump the state and a Republican majority in the Senate.
And just remember, the polls are out now, and there’s expected to be a Republican takeover of the House and perhaps the Senate this fall. So if the results don’t work out that way, we will know why, won’t we?
I just hope it doesn’t require a replay of Athens 1946 where bullets had to fly to have ballots counted correctly to get the true results and oust a Democrat machine.
Michael. you need to fact check. fact check your statements instead of presuming all you think is true. Too much Fox news!! I’m disappointed that you believe those lies.
I couldn’t even tell you the last time I watched Fox News. But let’s go through this step by step.
“Having said that, the government persevered and did what it came to do that afternoon a few hours later, certifying that Joe Biden was the winner of the 2020 election in spite of the doubts of its legitimacy shared by millions.”
Was the election certified? Yes, it was – IIRC early in the AM of January 7th. Do millions doubt the legitimacy of the election? Yes, in fact, one recent poll shows 33% of respondents say the election was not legitimate. 1/3 of the population is certainly “shared by millions.”
So far, 2 for 2 on the truth.
“(Sort of like the 2016 election, which those same people who swear up and down that Joe Biden really racked up 81 million votes continue to contend was the election that was actually stolen.)” Polls are a funny thing – see #4 here where 40% of Democrats said they would not accept Donald Trump as president after the 2016 election. (Like this lady. She’s a piece of work.)
“However, maybe J6 was the coup but the target wasn’t those in charge.” This one is called opinion, based on observation of life and government for the past forty of fifty years. I haven’t trusted a President since Ronald Reagan, although Trump came the closest.
“But then the CCP virus showed up and all the voting rules were changed. Imagine that: we went through how many flu epidemics over the years but no one ever decreed the election rules needed to change until Donald Trump was in office.” Please tell me what part of that isn’t true? We went through Spanish flu, Hong Kong flu, swine flu, bird flu, SARS, Ebola…no one demanded mail-in voting until this time. I stood in line for 40 minutes to vote, thank you. And so did a LOT of other people. They tried to mail me an absentee ballot app and I laughed and threw it away. I was healthy enough to vote.
There are too many people who swore affidavits witnessing that they saw election irregularities to dismiss it as “those lies.” Let’s look at a number: for want of 103,899 votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania (all states with counting issues) Donald Trump wasn’t re-elected. I think it’s realistic to state that, if anyone thought Donald Trump really had a chance in 2016, there would have been thumbs placed on the scale to make it so Hillary would have won. (She only lost by 107,108 votes in three states – Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.) I know she thought she had it in the bag because the media had arranged it so she had a divisive Republican opponent thanks to $5 billion in free media. Remember how many thousands were in DC to protest Trump’s inauguration? 200 arrests, imagine that.
There’s a lot that neither of us know about J6, but I suspect as the truth comes out you’ll find out I’m not believing lies. Again, always remember: absolute power corrupts absolutely.