Just two questions for the readers (an open thread)

This is an open pair of questions that I’d like to get some comment on. It’s a little bit of poll-type research for something I’ll write on either tomorrow or for Friday, depending on time.

What I’d like to know from my faithful readers are answers to this pair of questions.

  1. Had Barrie Tilghman lost her re-election bid in 2005 (or not been elected in the first place) is it your opinion that the local blogs would have developed in the way that they have?
  2. Regarding Joe Albero – we know he’s the “elephant in the room” among the local website owners, and he has no love lost for Salisbury’s mayor. If Barrie Tilghman is run out of office, do you think it’s the end of Salisbury News?

So I’m interested to see what answers I get, I’ll have to make some extra time to moderate comments tomorrow.

Also, here’s fair warning. There’s an additional monoblogue feature I’m contemplating for future months so stay tuned.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

10 thoughts on “Just two questions for the readers (an open thread)”

  1. 1. Given the other candidate in the 2005 election, the blogs would be having an absolute field day. (I seem to remember part of his platform being a “subsidy” for young mothers…) However, since the other candidate was old and demented rather than power-hungry and spiteful, there may have been some sympathy there as well. So no, the blogs wouldn’t be quite as hate-filled as they are now.

    2. I think the monster which is Salisbury News would continue but without quite as much venom. I do believe that he would quickly find more victims, but nobody will ever reach the level of Barrie Tilghman in his mind. And let’s face it, he actually does have newsworthy pieces occasionally – when he can keep his emotions out of it. When he lets emotions leak through, it’s pure entertainment for most of us!

  2. 1. No. I think the mayoral issues created the urgency that caused them to develop the way that they have. In my opinion, her use of coercive imtimidation to promote her personal agenda created hoards of frustrated people, whom were eager to vent their thoughts/facts in a forum where their voices could be heard and not gaveled down.

    2. No. IMO Mr. Albero has found a niche he enjoys. His website tends to jump all over the place regarding news/human interest items. His website does not tend to be as politically focused as many of the other local blogs are.

  3. Responding to your second question,
    I think that Joe Albero’s blog is here
    to stay. Joe isn’t a “one trick pony”.
    If the Mayor had not been born Albero
    has a number of other things he feels
    passionate about. Animal rights,
    waste water treatment, graphiti (sp?),
    earliest breaking news, with photos,
    Salisbury infrastructure maintenance,
    street lighting potholes etc., city
    and county council goings onand much more.

    He can be heavy handed at times but he
    always makes his point in an understandable
    way. I get the impression that unlike many
    local politicians, he can’t be bought and
    paid for by special interests.

  4. It’s hard to tell, blogs in general have increased everywhere. One thing for sure whether Barrie or another mayor were in office, the sludge pit and the pipes in the zoo would still be an issue.

    As for the second question, I doubt Joe is going anywhere. Many miss his wildlife pictures. Blogs can also be used to spread good news and events that one who doesn’t get the paper may miss. There never seems to be a shortage of news these days.

    Right now, I think keeping pressure on this city administration is the only way to knock some of the wind out of those windbags.

    The city policeman arrested, the Old Mall appeal and the tax petition have the mare up to her neck in porcupines right now.

  5. I might add that the Mall developers are really making the Mall Mauler’s and the Dirty Dozen look good right about now. The developers are laughing all the way to the bank~!

  6. 1. I don’t think it matters who is running the city, state or country we, as a people, will always find fault with those in power. It is not human nature for everyone to agree on everything. The bloggers would have found something to write about and we as commenters would have made our comments or just read along without commenting publicly.

    2. Joe, is Joe, is Joe. It’s not Barrie Tilghman that keeps Joe blogging, its people that keep Joe blogging. I’ve been with Joe, as you have, and seen how many calls he gets from people asking him to check on this, check on that or giving him information that is of interest. Don’t think for one minute that Sbynews is all Joe, information falls in his lap because the caller knows Joe doesn’t care who he makes mad. Joe doesn’t fear reprecussions from an employer or public officials.

    So, do I think Barrie being voted out of office will shut Joe’s blog down? NO. Joe will shut his blog down when he has grown tired of it.

  7. #1 I do not think that any blog has a huge effect on local politics. There are just not that many voters who read the blogs. Plus, most of the people who read a one-sided blog (all Left, all Right, or all Anti-Tilghman) already agree with the blog owner, or are at polar opposites and will not be effected by facts (f thee are any) opinion, or rhetoric.
    But my thoughts on your question #1 is: No, I do not think the local blogs would have been so personal and hateful towards either public figures, or blog owners and posters.

    Even with Barrie gone, He will find someone to bash with innuendo, half truths, and out right off-the-wall speculation. Just look at the list over on . Most respected bloggers, columnists, or “journalists” do not call people idiots, pussies, etc. He enjoys the attention that this type of thing attracts. Sadly, when he does have some real news, his credibility and any claim to objectivity is shot to Hell. If you look at the posts on his site, there is no meaningful debate.

  8. 1. Barrie Tilghman is just a cat’s paw for the developers and some of SAPOA. She’s a soulless shill for the moneyed interests who live outside town, despise Salisbury, and see it as nothing more than a cash-cow. So if she had lost in 2005, it would have made it harder for these people to pull the strings, but they’d still have worked through Comegys, Dunn, Cathcart and Shields. Eliminating her in 2009 will be cathartic, like popping a pimple, but will not cure the systemic acne that gave rise to it.

    2. Joe’s blog is only sometimes about Barrie Tilghman. There is plenty to report on here and I know if I have something to get out there I can call Joe and he, as Iyeska points out, will print it if he thinks it will help someone, regardless of who that irritates. What other media outlet do we have like that here in the People’s Republic of Salisbury?

  9. joe albero will find fault in any who govern… afterall, they are only human. BPT is not the exception to the rule of big spending politicos, and our cities and counties are in a spending spree that will or would have shaped the blogs we have today.

    people want to see the same fiscal responsibility in the government as they need to practice to be able to keep what they own from falling victim to the government foreclosure. ironic ain’t it.


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