Friday night videos episode 5

We’re going to start out with health care once again. The League of American Voters claims they wanted to put this ad on ABC but were denied. Whether that’s the whole story or not is beyond me but I see no harm in putting this up here.


Another health care ad which hits closer to home.

I still say he’s voting for it – even if it defies logic as this cleverly produced video explains:

Then again, you can always just sink to name-calling (language alert).

Let me answer the young lady. The reasons Republicans pushed through a number of items when President Bush was in office is that they compromised too much with the minority at the time, so government only grew at a slower pace. Key items like reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and privatizing a small portion of Social Security were shouted down by your side.

To help prevent this from happening in the future, a number of conservative-leaning groups are going out to nourish the grassroots. Two sides can play the community organizer game.

I like the video’s message, but the problem was I didn’t see the website on there (even though they say “visit the website.”) Unfortunately, the closest the American Liberty Tour gets to us is Charlotte as it winds mostly along in the Sun Belt and Southwest.

I’m adding this one just because my friends on the left just SOOOO love Rep. Michele Bachmann:

Finally, this came to my attention via Red County. Here’s a small business owner who shows more common sense than about 3/4 of those who represent us in Congress and state legislatures combined.

So another episode of FNV is in the books. I skipped last week because I really didn’t have a lot of interesting videos – quite honestly I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube to look at everything ever placed there – so hopefully next week the runup to 9/11 and the 9/12 TEA Party in Washington, D.C. will shake some good stuff loose.

In the meantime, I have something new and different over the weekend I think you’ll enjoy. (No, this site isn’t going dark – at least it better not!) So check back tomorrow and Sunday for that.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.