Doing Joe two better

If you’re here because you followed a link, read on and you’ll get it. First, the title subject: 

Regularly readers of Salisbury News will notice that Joe Albero does a “one year ago” post highlighting whatever was in the news that day a year prior. Sometimes it’s a nice reminder while other times we’d rather forget.

In my case, April 1st is my blogiversary (if that’s indeed a word) and tonight’s post marks three years of this personal writing odyssey. I shudder to think just how many words I’ve typed out over the time, my best guess from knowing the number and approximate length of my average post is roughly 600,000 words. There have been close to 900 actual posts here on monoblogue (this is post number 902 but not all have been posts, that number also counts a few pages I’ve created) as well as the 100+ I did for its predecessor blog called ttown’s right wing conspiracy, prior to buying my own domain name and server space.

What I’ll do this evening is link back to the other two anniversary posts as well as the “Introduction” post that started this whole process in the wee hours of April 2, 2005. (The Blogger account was created on the 1st though, so I celebrate on April Fool’s Day.)

In 2007, I called the occasion Blogiversary number 2. It’s amazing that I’ve cranked out almost 500 posts since then.

2006 brought what I called One year in the books. Man, that was post number 85 so obviously I skipped a few days in 2005-06.

And here’s the post that started it all, Introduction. Dig the color scheme I ended up with. It’ll be interesting to see my count this Friday because I still have my Site Meter active there and get 3-6 views a week.

I hope you enjoy the trips down my personal Memory Lane.

Also, I had an interesting challenge from Oceanshaman. I’m supposed to write a six-word memoir. So much for being verbose, eh? I already linked to the post so number 3 is accomplished, and I’m choosing to omit any items for number 2. In a moment I’ll get to number 4, but here’s the six words.

Marching to my own personal drummer.

I think it fits pretty well, don’t you?

Now the tough part, because some of the five I’d choose were taken. So I’m going to expand the range a bit with other regional bloggers.

David at Soccer Dad, one of my earliest supporters and provider of much-welcomed encouragement;

Attila at Pillage Idiot, who helped to start the Maryland Bloggers Alliance I belong to;

Mike Netherland at the appropriately named Mike’s Nether Land, a heckuva nice guy and fellow Harris supporter early on;

Elbert at That’s Elbert with an E, because he’s a frequent commenter who runs a real Delaware blog;

As for the fifth one, I’m going to cheat a bit and not directly link to it because it’s my daughter’s blog and hers is a restricted blog. But she’ll be interesting to hear from.

There, folks, is your fab five and it’ll be intriguing to see what happens when I refer back to this in a year’s time.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

4 thoughts on “Doing Joe two better”

  1. If it was a three word description, it would be:
    Making wonkishness entertaining. (Yes, that’s a compliment.)

    Hopefully I’ll get something up for you over the weekend. (No guarantees.) And thanks for thinking of me.

  2. Michael,
    While I am, indeed, flattered, I have to say you might work on your ummm diplomacy. …”because some of the five I’d choose were taken.”? See, to be fair, I would have lied and said “All of the five I’d choose were taken.” Or, I would have gone the what-they-don’t-know-won’t-hurt-them route by just ommiting the fact that my First choices were someone else’s first choices.

    Still, like the baseball player who juices his way into the Hall of Fame, I am honored! I still remember meeting you in Crisfield at the crab feast and somehow guessing who you were. We had exhanged all of 10 words over at the Harris tent when it struck me that I was in the presence of greatness. “You’re,…you’re …,” I remember trying to say.

    Well, Happy Blogiversary, Mr. Swartz!

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