Responding to the responses

To start I’d like to thank my commenters on the questions I posed. I honestly think I get the best comments of any local blogger. And I was amused at the post on Salisbury News about what I said on Tuesday. In answer to that comment, I regularly check my list of where people came from and I have about as much traffic coming from Delmarva Dealings as I do from Salisbury News. And my readership has been fairly regular; after all both sites link to me and I’m sure I have some folks who read my site on a daily basis while skipping one or both of the others.

The reason I had the idea of asking the question is that I think the local blog world is at a plateau of sorts. Obviously, like most other people who write websites (at least those who aren’t 14 years old and writing to their friends and anyone else who cares to read it about their latest crush) I’d like as many readers as possible to read my website – after all, the aim of monoblogue is to shift opinion on things I care about to be more aligned with my own beliefs and maybe make me a bit of money on the site once I get to a certain level of readership.

Since I began doing monoblogue, I’ve gotten to know a couple of my fellows who do local blogs, G.A. Harrison and Joe Albero. And I think both are good guys who also have their own agendas. G.A.’s agenda is relatively close to mine politically, which is why our sites sort of have the same feel to them. He is probably even more heavily into politics than I am as far as content goes, but he also looks at Delaware and Virginia issues that I don’t delve into. On the other hand, Joe’s site is very much locally driven, with his focus on issues in the Salisbury and Wicomico County area. Frankly, his agenda also seems to be a vendetta against those he doesn’t like – in particular Barrie Tilghman and several of those who serve with her in Salisbury city government. It’s reminescent of Richard Nixon’s “ememies list.”

His passionate dislike of those he crosses swords with was what drove me to ask the questions I did. It can be argued that the popularity of Salisbury News is similar to the appeal of NASCAR to many casual fans – they’re just watching for the 14-car pileups. I’m sure some peruse Albero’s site just waiting to see if this will be the post that gets him sued or arrested.

And I wanted to take a paragraph or two to address the Joe Albero vs. John Robinson blowup. I don’t know what it is, but sometimes people seem to get close to Joe and then they have a major falling out. It happened with Charles Jannace and now it’s happening with John Robinson. And this saddens me because I’ve gotten to know both and have no real issue with either. In fact I talked to both today, calling into John’s radio show (was I the only caller of the hour besides the prearranged Jimmy Sweet call?) and Joe called me from the ballgame wondering where I was at (sitting on my back deck enjoying a nice warm evening.) Both of these guys have opinions and we discuss what we think about issues of the day.

I’m hoping that the Robinson show can stretch past July (apparently that’s when Robinson’s contract is up) but I did notice that there was a plug for Laura Ingraham’s show within John’s. I know they do play about an hour of her show in the evening but I’m curious to know if there’s another shakeup in the works at WICO. I wonder if they’re contemplating going back to the pre-March lineup?

And this winding path brings me to the segue I was looking for all along. After some thinking on the subject of what I can do to improve my readership, I think there’s going to be a few changes here as well.

What got me started on this was the Salisbury referendum issue. First of all, I do want to thank Donna for keeping me in the loop and Debbie Campbell for her assistance, supplying me with the budget she prepared (sadly it appears to be a wasted effort on her and Terry Cohen’s part.) But my website is probably weakest in both those areas – breaking news and Salisbury city politics. Obviously, Joe Albero has the time to cover these because he’s “retired” and G.A. is self-employed so he can make time as well. And both have contacts and wherewithal to get to know all of the local players. Meanwhile, I do have a “real” job so that has to come first.

So I think I’m going to shift focus just a bit and leave the Salisbury and Wicomico County issues more or less to the other local players. I’m not going to abandon the local issues entirely, but most of that ground is well-covered by my cohorts. I’ll certainly comment on their sites when I feel it’s appropriate, and it’ll give me a chance to expand the “My feedback” page I’ve neglected for quite awhile.

My roots in blogging were in a website called ttown’s right wing conspiracy. On that website, I paid a lot more attention to Maryland and national issues and I think it’s time I got back to those places I thought that my ideas were better suited for. Obviously, things like “Ten Questions”, the 50 Year Plan, and my election coverage last year were perfect for this theme and I plan on continuing with those items along with new ideas I have. And because I just plain enjoy sports, particularly baseball, that coverage (including Shorebird of the Week) will continue. Same goes for the local music that Delmarva has a great supply of, I’d like to share that with a lot more people!

In order to get monoblogue to where I’d like it to be, I need to become a frog in a bigger pond. After all, people like Ann Coulter and Mark Steyn may have started with their local issues, but they eventually moved on to items of national import. Of course, in my mind Maryland is the canary in the coal mine as far as liberal lunacy goes so I believe coverage of what goes on in Annapolis is appropriate to keep tabs on because of its capability to catch on nationally (think of Fair Share and National Popular Vote allocation of the Electoral College vote as examples of Maryland-initiated ideas threatening to go nationwide.)

Also, one thing about the way I do monoblogue is that I have a pretty good idea of what I’ll write about in the following few days. As an example, I always set my Shorebird of the Week on Thursdays during the baseball season and a standings report at the end of each month. When I did “Ten Questions” last year and my Election Calendar they were similarly set on a weekly basis. So it’s a pretty simple idea that I came up with – a weekly e-mail to selected people I know read my website saying, hey, look for this next week. It’s actually an idea I stole from Joe Albero but also reinforced by Maryland GOP seminar speaker Summer Johnson, a regional press secretary for the Republican Party.

So there you have the post I promised for today, just in the nick of time by 35 minutes. There’s also going to be a few changes in the look of monoblogue to go with the new focus, so I look forward to more growth and thank those of you who have gotten me this far!

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

6 thoughts on “Responding to the responses”

  1. Michael,

    I happened to be sitting up on my front porch this evening watching the bolts of lightning across the sky and as I walked in I thought I’d pop onto your site and see just where you were headed with yesterdays post.

    It should be noted that I not only ran into John Robinson twice at the Shorebirds Game tonight, I also called him at his request and we ironed out our differences.

    Allow me to explain the two situations you mentioned earlier. Starting with Charles Jannace, the man was using me to do things I don’t believe in by telling his wife he was with me, when I wasn’t anywhere near Charles. Perhaps you can get my drift from there and use your own imagination?

    As for John, I thought that was very clear. He chose to go after Terry & Debbie in a way that was unacceptable to me and as I respect these two people like Sisters, I will always protect my Family.

    So the best advise I can give to my friends is, don’t screw with my friends or family or deal with me and my Blog in the end. You are my friend, I would protect you the same way I protected Terry & Debbie.

    Since you’re not a married man, there’s not a chance in the world that you and I would have the same issues Charles Jannace and I had.

    To take it even further, Jim Rapp & Barrie Tilghman also treated my wife very poorly, hence! There have been others to that list in local government departments and if you’re open minded enough you’d come to realize that it’s not such a bad thing having such a loyal friend to protect you.

    As for the NASCAR thing, I would hope it’s not your wish to watch me crash and burn in lawsuits. I thought that statement was pretty unfair. I am exposing what no one else is willing to do or go. It says it at the top of my Blog. You either love me or hate me.

    In all fairness, perhaps you should do a recap of all the good I have done for Salisbury? Critics would like to say different but we all know, there’s been quite a bit exposed by sbynews as well as when I worked with Charles on Justice For All.

    Now for my opinion about the changes you wish to make. Michael, you make a powerful difference locally as well. Having three different views of how things are going in Salisbury is a great thing and I would hope you’d continue to keep everyone informed to your style. I like the variety that’s out there but I would never tell you what to do. I enjoy going to your site every day and I thank you for all that you do. You know as well as GA Harrison just how difficult this can be so whatever we get out of you and whatever path you choose to take, we’ll enjoy whatever you have to offer.

  2. Come on Joe, you know better than that. I have no desire to see you get sued. And I’m not trying to put you in a bad light by using the NASCAR example; however we both know that there’s a lot of folks who would love it if you crashed and burned. You tend to be a lightning rod for the criticism of local blogs in general. And on several occasions I’ve pointed out the good you’ve done with the Zoo, WWTP, graffiti, etc.

    My point was that your site and mine can and should have different focuses. Your strength and (some would argue) passion is in covering the local news beat – I know you dearly love scooping the Tilghman Times. In trying to keep up with local news like the petition drive, I’m playing to my weakness when I think my strength lies in analysis and commentary on state and national topics. Now if I have the opportunity to use what’s happening in Salisbury as a parable for statewide or nationally, I’ll certainly take advantage of it. And don’t think I’m going to ignore the city completely; however, as I stated it may be more appropriate for me to do so as a commenter on others’ sites like yours and G.A.’s. Rather than try to be a jack-of-all-trades, I’m going to work on mastering some that I care the most about.

    Trust me, this isn’t going to affect my passion on things I feel most strongly for, in fact I think that my writing will improve as I attempt to make a name for myself against more and better competition.

    But I’m glad to address your comment and even more glad that you and John seem to have reached an understanding.

  3. You Said……

    “Trust me, this isn’t going to affect my passion on things I feel most strongly for, in fact I think that my writing will improve as I attempt to make a name for myself against more and better competition.”

    Better competition, eh?

    Oh well, you know I’m number one Michael. ROTFLMAO

  4. People can say what they want about Joe’s blog. I have told people things I have read on Joe’s site, to have them brush me off until they read it a week later in the Daily Crime.

    I like the way the paper embellished the arrested policeman’s former job as “truck driver for waste management.” All that tells me is that Salisbury hires former garbage men as police officers, get what you pay for I always say. I don’t want that taken out of context so I will add that there was a rotten apple in the bunch and they did the right thing by dismissing him. I know and grew up with quite a few Salisbury officers that are proud, dedicated and underpaid.

    That being said, with their much deserved pay hike I will be expecting higher expectations as far as reducing crime in the city. And the department needs a leadership change badly. We had a pretty good Sheriff’s department as it was, but look at the spark that Mike Lewis added to that department.

  5. Michael,

    I look forward to seeing the changes to Monoblogue you speak of. I, too, am interested in a local blog the brings to light the issues from a state and federal level. I don’t need to tell you of the importance of our next presidential election. Our nation could be literally devasted by lack of choice or apathy this go ’round. I have watched the recent republican debate and must say that I am not really impressed by either candidate. I am hoping that one of the existing republican hopefuls will either “turn on” or Fred Thompson will throw his hat into the ring. He seems to me to be a lot like Reagan. I feel that some of the blog sites have a lot of potential to play a major role in many grass roots efforts to rejuvenate the republican party by being a vehicle to link local efforts to efforts taking place in different locations across the country. This potentially could be a method which unifies the smaller grass roots efforts, enabling them to become one with a very large voice. We need to send a message loud and clear to the republican party….listen to the will of the people.

  6. too many people on the shore lack the vision of the big picture and how local politics are affected by decisions across the bay. i look forward to your analysis and your light style. keep up the good work, but don’t cross joe albero… just kidding, cross him all you want too…


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