Happy new year slowdown!

Okay, real quick before I head to bed for the first time this year…

Due to a confluence of factors, including an accelerated pace at my “real” job and the fact I’m relocating in the near future (we’ll actually be living in the city of Salisbury again) posts may not necessarily be daily – but I will try. The hard part may be coordinating internet service with Comcast.

We actually celebrated the turn of the calendar in the new place, but most of our stuff is still at our present location. I could update my Facebook status with my Droid but have not added the functionality of WordPress quite yet. (Maybe once I get a little more acclimated to it – imagine me liveblogging on the fly!)

By the way, with a new quarter comes new advertising opportunities – I’m just sayin’…

So you have been warned. Happy new year to all of my readers!