A note about a Delaware guy

No, not the one you’re probably thinking of. I just wanted to point out for my friends north of the border that I added a link to a GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from the First State (held currently by Joe Biden), Tim Smith. (hat tips: Elbert for the post and John Rittenhouse for the actual link). At some point I’ll get around to adding the incumbent, but I’ll make him wait for now.

may have something to say about that other Delaware guy in the next few days but I’m still debating whether it’s worth my time on a weekend that promises to be a busy one for me (somewhere there’s a rack or two of ribs calling my name and I’m working a booth there too). So don’t hold your breath.

Yes, that is called a tease. Guess you’ll have to come back and check things out, won’t you?

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

2 thoughts on “A note about a Delaware guy”

  1. Michael:

    Screw the Delaware guy, enjoy the ribs.
    Have a rack, a WHOLE rack, no half, for me please.

  2. A friend of mine heard Tim Smith speak the other day. She said he was pretty bland. One interesting moment though…he claimed that God specifically recruited him to run and assured him of a victory. Who is this nut job? If the Republicans nominate this right wing wacko, Joe B. will have it made. It’s great to be a Democrat!

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