Even steven

Yesterday it came out that Andy Harris and Frank Kratovil were about even as far as campaign cash on hand, both with around $200,000 in the bank to spend. (It’s about a $30k difference, peanuts in a campaign like this.) While the big news was that Harris outraised Kratovil by a 2-to-1 margin in the first quarter, it bears reminding readers that the GOP side was where most of the action took place and few people (probably only the other candidates on that side and their families) doubted that Frank Kratovil wouldn’t lock up the Democrats’ nod once Frank acquired the state’s machine behind him. It shows in the wide disparity in spending that placed the candidates on their even footing as we stand almost 7 months out from Election Day.

We’ve seen that Harris can raise tremendous amounts of money but now the question becomes whether he can translate that cash into volunteers and votes. While the Eastern Shore is by nature rather conservative, it is a brand of conservatism that sometimes crosses party lines and thus far Frank Kratovil has shrewdly attempted to run pretty close to the center; even picking off a few Republicans who openly back him. This rear guard action needs to be addressed by local GOP leaders because the last thing we need is a split in the party. My personal message to these folks is that Wayne lost, get over it! You may think Frank Kratovil is centrist but let me tell you there aren’t many people raised in PG County who are that way based on the way they’ve voted over the last several decades.

Also, while the union vote is sort of weak in this area they are stronger on the Western Shore and that’s the area Andy Harris needs to keep securely in his column as it was in the primary. I do know the teachers’ union locally will be out in full force supporting Kratovil with bodies because they’ve kept a yard sign in front of their place since before the February primary.

Looking out on the horizon it appears that I’m taking a vacation day in November because I love dealing with union thugs at the polls – trust me, coming from where I do I’m used to it. (Teachers, though, aren’t usually as large and mean-looking as Jeep workers.) The unionistas will be having a field day since something tells me that besides shilling for Democrats Big Labor will also make a push for both early voting and for legalizing slots here in Maryland and I’m for neither. Just keep in mind that if you’re someone who agrees with me that we need a Congressman who is for keeping more money in your pocket, preserving the rights we’re still hanging on to, and taking the fight to terrorists, you’ll be out there in the trenches with me supporting Andy Harris. And what a perfect day to talk about Democrats and their philosophy as you sweat out those last desperate hours before the tax bill comes due.

Of course, if you want higher taxes, surrender to terrorists, and someone like Hillary Clinton in charge of your health care you can hang out with the teachers.  It’s your choice.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

6 thoughts on “Even steven”

  1. I’m not sure what growing up in PG county has to do with running for Congress in the first congressional district. Are you trying to say that if you grew up in pg county you can’t be conservative? Michael Steele grew up in PG – lives there now in fact.

    And at least Kratovil grew up in this state. Andy Harris grew up in Brooklyn, NY.

    I guess if where one grows up is the criterion, the race could breakdown to…

    Native Marylander vs. New York Carpetbagger?

  2. Harris doesn’t raise tremendous amounts of money. The Club for Growth PAC does that for him.

    I think it is rather elitist and snooty of you to criticize citizens for supporting a candidate other than yours. You almost make it sound like some kind of conspiracy even though they are simply choosing a candidate that they consider to be the most compatible with their views.

    Get over it? What difference does it make that Wayne lost? We are choosing between two candidates, and a majority of people are not going to agree with you. Now we just have to see if they will show up to vote.

    Someone please get Michael a Surrender Monkey for his birthday.

  3. tsk…

    Some are attempting to whip up support for Kratovil on the Eastern Shore simply because his address is here, I’m simply pointing out he wasn’t born and raised on the Shore either. I don’t care where my Congressman lives in the district, I just want one who best represents my views and Harris is the guy. The rest of my job is to convince you, the reader, that my views are correct with factual information and opinions that reflect my view of what the Founders intended for government.


    I’m only criticizing their political views, it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have a beer with them. For example, you seem like a well-reasoned sort of person and have counter-arguments that make me ponder them, but you just happen to be wrong philosophically IMHO. By the way, I happen to think a majority of people WILL agree with me when I vote for Harris in November because they’ll understand that Frank Kratovil will not be a Wayne Gilchrest when it comes to the fiscal and economic issues which were his strong suit.

  4. Frank Kratovil is better on the war –> He wants to end it.

    Frank Kratovil is better on Social Security –> He wants to save it and not privatize unlike his opponent Harris.

    Frank Kratovil is better on Immigration –> He has a long record as a State’s Attorney fighting illegal immigration on the front lines, which is why Harris never talks about it.

    Frank Kratovil is better on the environment –> He believes in renewable energy and a modern solution to the energy crisis, while Harris has the 6th worse lifetime voting record on the environment out of 188 legislators in the Maryland Legislature.

    Frank Kratovil is better on Health Care –> He wants to ensure it for everyone, Harris thinks the free market will take care of that which is what free market thinkers have said for 20 years, guess it doesn’t work.

    Frank Kratovil is a better man. Andy Harris showed during the Primary that he would say or do anything to get elected and that included demeaning a sitting United States Congressman, the Honorable Wayne Gilchrest, and in doing so showed his true colors of extremism and irrational thinking.

  5. Anytime a candidate shows the difference between their opponent and themselves it’s considered negative. Anytime a candidate receives money from outside the State, they forget that a Congressman is part of a elected group whose votes affect all Americans. Finally, as a transplant myself, I chose to live in Maryland, a native doesn’t and that doesn’t make them any better or smarter than those of us that do.

  6. I agree with Joe, Mr. Kratovil is the better candidate. I have personally seen the way he works. He is true to his word. Integrity and Ethics of the candidates rule my vote every time. Atleast I know I can deal with them honestly even if I dont agree with them on every issue. I dont personally know Andy Harris but I have looked at his policy statements and his commercials, then I went and looked at his voting record. It looked like two different candidates. Please explain how he can support alternative energy and consistently vote against it. Please explain how he can support health care initiatives and vote against funding MdCHIP. I would rather have kids on state funded health insurance than be uninsured and cost us More in medicaid. Please dont argue that all of the bills he voted against were bad bills. That doesnt cut it. He is the Elected State Senator and no one has stopped him from introducing his own bills, which he doesnt do very often.

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