Crying poverty?

I’ve talked about pathetic fundraising pitches before, but Barb Mikulski must really be playing us for suckers if she wants us to believe she doesn’t have the $30,000 to see her latest commercial.

We prepared this great ad about what we’re doing to fight for Maryland and get our beautiful state’s economy back to work. We’re launching it later today, but wanted to give you — one of my most loyal supporters — a sneak peek.

We need to raise $30,000 before September 30, in order to keep this ad up on television and spread our message to voters.

Give it a rest, Barb – you have $2.9 million on hand (as of June 30) so pay for your commercial yourself.

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A campaign gone on safari

The first television commercial of the U.S. Senate campaign goes to GOP challenger Eric Wargotz, and the message is clear: incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski is a “political insidersaurus” at a time we need new leadership (the commercial video is attached at the bottom of this article.) As Eric says, “Barbara Mikulski is the ultimate political insidersaurus. She has been in office 34 years. During that time, she has increased spending, raised taxes, and destroyed our economy. We need new leadership in Washington.”

But the commercial is not without its critics, and I have to add my two cents to the discussion.

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Filling the federal checkbook

Continuing a double-barreled GOP questioning of Senator Barbara Mikulski and her record, U.S. Senate hopeful Jim Rutledge pointed out the continuing references by Maryland’s senior Senator of “filling the federal checkbook” and questioned if she truly realized where the money was coming from.

On the other hand, Rutledge “doesn’t believe filling the federal government checkbook is the solution to restoring fiscal accountability in Washington. Barbara Mikulski keeps spending while Marylanders are forced to pay back all the debt she is creating.” Said Rutledge, “Mikulski would have us believe that all this money is free when in fact we’re going to have to pay it back with interest.”

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Wargotz slams Mikulski for filibuster flip-flop

Perhaps Barbara Mikulski doesn’t listen when the “Party of No” is talking.

In a release, U.S. Senate candidate Eric Wargotz reminds us the Senate is supposed to be a deliberative body:

Having followed politics for a while, I don’t get surprised often by actions of politicians, yet last week Senator Mikulski surprised me. Throughout her career Senator Mikulski has supported the filibuster when her party was in the minority and yet last week she gave a speech on the Senate floor calling for the end of the filibuster.

There is an old quote that says, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

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It’s nice to see the two leading GOP contenders both training their fire on the REAL enemy! I have something from Jim Rutledge for tomorrow.

Polling stories

Rasmussen recently polled Maryland likely voters and found Barbara Mikulski won 58% of voters compared to Eric Wargotz’s 33 percent. But the ever-sunny disposition of Eric saw this as, well, not so bad.

Recently, Rasmussen Reports show Senator Mikulski at her weakest point in decades. The poll told us what we have been hearing as we have been traveling the state, people are tired of the one-party control in Washington. Voters want accountability and leadership.

Granted, there’s not much in the way of leadership out of our incumbent Senator, but there’s still that 58 percent roadblock.

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Impressions on the Mid-Shore AFP Senate forum

I’ve already done a down-and-dirty factual story (with pictures) on my Examiner page, so if you want to read there for some of the particulars feel free to do so…I’ll wait.

Here I wanted to review the statements and performance of each of the participants and make a few other general observations. I don’t have to be fair and unbiased at this site. In alphabetical order, Stephens Dempsey comes first.

Stephens Dempsey came across as a man who truly wants to restore the government to its Constitutional case, and for that some may call him harsh. In a question about illegal immigration, Dempsey noted, “First, they’re not ‘illegal immigrants,’ they’re illegal aliens…that is the definition we should use.” Indeed, that’s how the federal government actually defines them.

Regarding the jobs issue, Stephens points out that, “it’s not my job (as a Senator)…that’s the job of the state and local level (governments.) Obviously he has a clear definition of what the federal role must be.

But the problem I see with his approach is, while the message is clear, his explanations may be too clever by half. For example, his campaign literature features a three-triangle logo that baffles the average person as to its meaning. Being an “American Constitutionalist” is one thing, but making that have meaning to the average voter who will ask what that does for him is quite another.

It was nice to see his family and friends support him, but I fear that’s all the support he’ll get if he doesn’t simplify his message a little bit.

Democrat Chris Garner was perhaps the most pessimistic of the batch, gloomily noting, “what’s happening right now, we’re in a deep depression. It’s gonna get deeper.” Garner also bemoaned the lack of industrial might – “No industry, no economy.” He added, “we’re turning our country into a Third World country.”

His solutions may not be the best for free marketeers, though – among others he proposed a maximum 15% trade imbalance to keep the value of imports and exports in balance. “Right now we’re sending a half-trillion dollars overseas.” But would that work in a real world where we import a vast amount of oil, for example? Certainly we could use some fairer trade, but that cap doesn’t seem anything but arbitrary.

I also couldn’t believe he didn’t know what EFCA was. The way I look at it, passage of EFCA would do more harm to our trade imbalance because unionization would drive up the cost of business.

Samuel Graham was a curious sort of Republican. One of his platform planks was a “radical idea…let’s just give (the unemployed) a job.” And that extended to illegal immigrants as well – Graham supports a policy to stop immigrants at the border and ask them why they are seeking entry. “Give them an opportunity to register themselves,” he said. Needless to say, he was the lone Republican not to favor the Arizona SB1070 law.

But then he joined the chorus of those candidates who said, “let’s cut the taxes.” Samuel ticked off a list of possible tax cuts for groceries, department stores, and gasoline. Yes, those are good ideas but I think a better solution would be to eliminate taxes on the income side and maintain a low, one-time rate on the consumption side.

On the whole, something didn’t jibe with Graham’s presentation. I’m not sure he’s thought through the impact of simply creating make-work jobs – wasn’t that the point of the stimulus? And how would that work with the straight 25% cut in government he advocated?

Being in the middle of three consecutive Republicans, Daniel McAndrew was at something of a disdvantage. He just doesn’t seem to stick out well in a crowd as it is and always being the fourth to respond made the problem worse. In answering one question, he sighed, “well, it’s repeating time.”

And asked why he wanted to be Senator, he expressed that, “I’ve had enough, and I think you have too…quite frankly, they’re not listening to us.”

But he did make some good points in an otherwise mainstream conservative presentation, talking about the aspect of “birth tourism” when the question of anchor babies was brought up. His ideas for creating incentives for manufacturing and privatizing portions of government have plenty of merit.

Also placing him at a disadvantage was being the only hopeful to not have any literature there (at least that I noticed.) He does have a website, though.

Of all the candidates present, Jim Rutledge is probably the best known and leader of this pack. In terms of presentation, he had the smoothest and most eloquent answers which likely stems from his avocation as a “conservative” attorney. That would also come in handy if he were elected, as he could “translate those bills for you and give you the straight story on them.”

He was also unafraid to bring up the incumbent, labeling Barb Mikulski as the “chief culprit” of the largest expansion of government and attack on individual liberties this Republic had ever seen.

Yet he had a couple key issues which may have seemed a bit out there if you don’t understand the logic behind them. For example, one method of helping to sell Eastern Shore products would be to dredge the waterways in order for easier ship passage, since shipping by barge is very cost-effective. His (perhaps draconian) solution for illegal immigration involved jailing employer scofflaws and having visa holders post a bond when they entered the country – if they skipped bond, a bounty hunter could track them down. And why not a tax cut for homeschoolers? Yet these do make sense and at least represent a different manner of looking at problems not found inside the Beltway.

One observer afterward thought Rutledge had sort of an “angry” tone about him, and perhaps his passion can be taken that way. He had the largest group of supporters in the room, though.

And Jim’s ideas had some merit with Sanquetta Taylor as well. “I kinda don’t like sitting next to (Jim),” she said, “because we think alike and he’s a Republican and I’m a Democrat.” But some things are subject to bipartisan agreement and Sanquetta came across as a relatively moderate Democrat who thought “it’s time for the torch to be handed” to a new generation. She even explained that, “we have to go into government with good intentions.”

So what are those intentions? Well, Sanquetta does like lower taxes but she is protectionist, advocating “heavy fines” for companies which outsource jobs. She’s against the Arizona SB1070 law, believing “the President should step in and mandate something that should help them.” Yet she’s against anyone being here illegally. She wouldn’t come out and support Elena Kagan to be on the Supreme Court, but wouldn’t say no either.

Perhaps her and Rutledge do think alike on a number of fiscal issues, but the issues I pointed out suggest they’d have some strong differences as well. Certainly she brought an attractive presence to the forum as the most telegenic and youngest candidate.

For Lih Young, being on (and sometimes off) the ballot is a way of life.

In 2008 she ran as a Democrat in the 8th District Congressional primary and received 2.9% of the vote. Undaunted, she filed after the primary as a write-in and got 28 votes.

In 2006 Young ran for U.S. Senate as a Democrat and picked up 0.3% of the vote in a statewide race. Filing as a write-in for the general election ballot she got 120 votes.

In 2004, 8th District Congress, 2.4% of the vote in the primary, 79 votes as a write-in for the general election.

In 2002, it was Comptroller. She actually got 4% of the Democratic vote in the primary, so she figured a write-in candidacy was a lock – and got 1,375 votes.

This record, her reluctance to give a ‘yes or no’ answer on simple issues, and saying during the forum that, “law enforcement is a robbery machine” basically tells you what you need to know. If not, there is this gem from my archives.

As I mentioned, there were a number of “yes or no” questions during the forum which are helpful in assessing a candidate as well. Here’s how they went.

A ban on offshore oil drilling? Taylor and Young said yes, the others no.

Passing cap and trade? All said no, but Young wanted to study the issue.

Supporting Arizona’s SB1070? Dempsey, Garner, McAndrew and Rutledge all said yes; Graham, Taylor, and Young no.

Eliminating the death tax? All favored it, and all support the Second Amendment.

Would you sign a ‘no climate tax’ pledge? All but Young said yes and all did.

All seven favored term limits to varying degrees – all but Garner endorsed two terms for Senators (Garner just one.)  Garner, Graham, Taylor, and Young said two House terms; Dempsey and Rutledge three, and McAndrew six.

All would favor not repealing the Bush tax cuts, although Garner, “didn’t like the phrasing” of the question.

Repealing or replacing Obamacare was favored by Dempsey, Graham, McAndrew, Rutledge, and Taylor. Young wanted a single-payer system while Garner would not answer.

While most cited a lack of information, only Young was certain she’d vote to appoint Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Taylor was unsure, the others gave her a thumbs-down.

Only Young was in favor of taxpayer-funded abortions.

Tax cuts for homeschoolers? Graham and Rutledge said no, the others yes.

Employee Free Choice Act (card check)? Taylor and Young favored it, Dempsey, Graham, McAndrew, and Rutledge were opposed, and Garner was unsure.

All thought NAFTA had a negative impact.

Finally, all were asked when they last read the Constitution.

  • For Stephens Dempsey, it was the day before.
  • Chris Garner said 4 or 5 years ago.
  • Samuel Graham said in high school.
  • Daniel McAndrew replied last week.
  • Jim Rutledge said a month ago.
  • Sanquetta Taylor told us two weeks.
  • Finally, Lih Young said two years ago.

It was a pretty long forum, taking nearly two hours to wrap up. But those in attendance are certainly more well-informed about the candidates who could be bothered to show up and face the public they aim to serve.

Is a money source important?

Quarterly financial reports are often scoured and picked through again with a fine-tooth comb by researchers from all sides for any sort of irregularity. Obviously this week will bring a fresh look at the data provided by candidates to the Federal Election Commission for the most recent quarter which ended June 30.

For example, a nagging perception regarding Republicans in Maryland is that they won’t have enough money to compete. So when Senate candidate Eric Wargotz says he had, “fundraising numbers (which) show we have the resources we need to win the Republican Primary, and to then take on Senator Mikulski in November,” one may be inclined to look at his $600,000 cash on hand and agree.

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You know, a funny thing happened on the way to writing the article. I meant for this to be on my Political Buzz Examiner page but realized when I hit ‘publish’ that I was working on my Wicomico County one. Oh well.

Top Senate candidates criticize different targets

It’s no secret that being the incumbent means you receive slings and arrows from your opposition, and Maryland’s U.S. Senate race is no different. But the two leading contenders recently leveled their artillery on different targets.

Of the two leading Republicans, it seems Jim Rutledge has been a little more savage against incumbent Barbara Mikulski. Here he berates the 74-year old incumbent, who’s no stranger to medical devices after recent ankle surgery, for opposing an amendment to exempt veterans from a tax on certain medical devices.

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Rasmussen Poll: Mikulski enjoys 25 point bulge

On the heels of yesterday’s great results for Republican observers in Maryland – Bob Ehrlich overtook Martin O’Malley in polling numbers for the first time in a major survey – reality crashed back in when Rasmussen released a poll giving incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski a 58% to 33% lead over their presumed leading GOP contender, Eric Wargotz.

This margin suggests, at least for the time being, that Mikulski will enjoy a margin of victory not unlike her 65% to 34% crushing of State Senator E.J. Pipkin in 2004, her last election.

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Odds and ends number 22

With the sheer frenzy of candidates filing earlier this week, my e-mail box was filled with other news. But instead of making a long series of posts, a good editor can pick out the relevant points in a paragraph or two and that’s what I’ll do here.

Needless to say, I receive frequent dispatches from a number of candidates. In the race for U.S. Senate, Eric Wargotz was proud he won a ballot to be the featured candidate for “Ten-Buck Fridays” as he explains:

Ten congressional candidates are nominated each week. Whoever receives the most votes is announced Friday. All of the web site and blog sponsors spread the word on the winner across the web to conservative sites and encourage all visitors to the sites to donate. In essence, they promote a $10 per donation money bomb for the winning candidate of that particular week.

I checked it out last evening and Eric won with 673 votes. I’m not sure how that will translate into actual donations, so I suppose this goes in the category of “every little bit helps.”

Oddly enough, Eric’s opponent Jim Rutledge used something Senator Scott Brown (who had assistance in getting elected from Wargotz) said in blasting incumbent Democrat Barb Mikulski:

Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts summed up the philosophical differences in Washington regarding how Congress should provide solutions. Sen. Brown said, “It’s the checking account versus the credit card.” Democrats like Barbara Mikulski want to spend and tax their way out of a recession while conservatives like Jim Rutledge believe we need to lower taxes, cut spending, and reduce the deficit. Rutledge said, “President Reagan showed us that America can grow and prosper by reducing the size of government and lowering taxes.”

One thing Rutledge forgot to add was that Reagan did it with a Congress controlled by Democrats, at least in the House. But Jim didn’t forget to let me know he was endorsed by Delegate Pat McDonough.

Endorsements are a funny thing – sometimes they are useful and sometimes they bite you in the behind. Given President Obama’s track record on campaigning for other candidates, perhaps Martin O’Malley may regret this statement from the One:

Since being elected Governor in 2006, Martin O’Malley has been a true champion for the people of Maryland.

He has restored a sense of fiscal responsibility and helped the state grow sustainably, expanding access to health care coverage and continuing to improve Maryland’s schools, while also restoring the Chesapeake Bay. His four-year freeze on college tuition brought the cost of higher education within reach of middle-class families.

Governor O’Malley has a lot more to contribute to your state — and I hope you will do your part to ensure he has four more years to continue his work.

Actually, if he’s re-elected Governor O’Malley will likely make sure We the People of the Free State are forced to contribute a lot more. It’s funny that President Obama left out the increased tax burden and job losses Maryland has endured under O’Malley’s watch. It seems the only sustainable growth we have is in the unemployment rate.

And as Dave Schwartz of Americans for Prosperity reminds us:

Earlier this week, Gov. Martin O’Malley announced a plan to spend $1 billion for school construction.  Even though we still have a $389 million hole left in this year’s budget and a projected $8.3 billion long term structural deficit, O’Malley believes that more spending is the answer.  This unhinged appetite for spending our dollars is exactly why Maryland is in trouble.

Yes, President Obama, Martin O’Malley has a lot to contribute – a lot of deficit spending and budgets balanced on the backs of the counties and working people of Maryland.

Tomorrow I pick on O’Malley’s television ad. It should be fun.

Wargotz revises and extends polling remarks

While it wasn’t a formal apology the campaign of U.S. Senate candidate Eric Wargotz released a statement this afternoon, parts of which are published below:

As per the suggestion of the Tarrance Group, The Wargotz for U.S. Senate Campaign has provided additional details subsequent to the initial press release announcing Dr. Wargotz’s lead in Baltimore County CD1.

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As an aside, I wonder how Jim Rutledge would do?

Pathetic fundraising pitches

Over the last few days I’ve received not one, not two, but three e-mail pitches urging me to donate to Barb Mikulski’s campaign for yet another re-election to her Senate seat before tomorrow’s quarterly filing deadline. Yes, it appears now my best friends in the world are now Ben Cardin, Martin O’Malley, and Paul Sarbanes and they all want me to donate to Senator Barb. Some of these appeals even have a nice little picture of her asking me to “help Barbara reach her $20k goal today” in that pseudo-hip Gotham font which Organizing for America likes to use.

But that got me to thinking (and doing a little research.) After all, with $2.7 million cash on hand at the end of March 20 grand is pretty much chump change.

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