Thanksgiving 2009

Because of the ability for me to prewrite posts, I’m sitting here yesterday doing my Thanksgiving message for today. This way I get a day off to visit friends and share in their Thanksgiving.

Given the fact that I lost the job I moved here to take a year ago and haven’t found anything to satisfactorily replace that income, you would think I would have little to be thankful for. Admittedly, it’s been one heck of a time for me juggling my finances but I plod on as best I can.

However, I do feel blessed that I have this outlet for my talents, and it’s led me to opportunities I only dreamt of having a year ago. For the last ten months I’ve been getting paid for doing something I enjoy doing and hopefully that will be the start of a new direction in my life. Obviously it’s not much but better than nothing.

While I’m not going to be hokey enough to claim my readers as an extended family, I do appreciate that there are people who come by daily to read, comment, and debate. Fortunately I still have my First Amendment rights and the means to speak out using them.

Speaking of writing, I can do a little bit of foreshadowing and tell you next week will have some exciting items on my site as I celebrate its fourth anniversary. But this post isn’t really about my site; this is just a means of conveyance.

Moving here did take me away from my family, who now is scattered from Ohio to Florida. So perhaps the thing I’m most thankful for this year was meeting someone special in my life and having the chance to get to know her family. Obviously the Good Lord put us together for a reason and the timing turned out to be really good for both of us.

Life continues with its ups and downs, but having survived another year in this world is plenty to be thankful for. Our nation has a lot of people in harm’s way who are at a lot more risk than we are – dodging bullets and IEDs is much more dangerous than overdosing on tryptophan and falling asleep on the couch at halftime of the Lions game.

To all of you, political friend or political foe, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Since I’m away comment moderation will be somewhere between slow and just not happening.

Oh – I also enjoy the take on Thanksgiving from Mark Alexander of the Patriot Post.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.