Kratovil (and Castle) make your utility bills skyrocket in time for the Fourth of July

While I was away this evening Frank Kratovil and Mike Castle made it almost a Delmarva sweep voting in favor of H.R. 2454, the Waxman-Markey “cap and trade” energy tax. Only a brave Democrat in VA-2, Glenn Nye, kept it from being three-for-three in the anti-American vote department.

I’m curious to know what was promised to the two of them to get them to vote for a bill that, according to Bill Wilson of the group Americans for Limited Government, would “increase the prices of oil, gasoline, coal, and natural gas across the board, and thereby ‘incentivize’ alternatives like solar, wind, and hybrid vehicles. It won’t work, because the alternatives are inefficient, have a lower yields, and are more expensive.”

Perhaps the devil is in the details, such as the 300-page amendment tucked into the bill early this morning. In any case, I breathlessly await the poor excuses that both of these Congressmen will have when they drag their tails back to their district over the Fourth of July weekend. I know I have hard questions for them.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

2 thoughts on “Kratovil (and Castle) make your utility bills skyrocket in time for the Fourth of July”

  1. Interesting,

    Muir and I agree. I can only hope that the LP, RNC, and Blue Dog Dems begin to see the clear and present danger that this legislation poses to individual liberty and our free market economy.

    I would urge any and all individuals to contact the Senate regarding their beliefs.

    I know the following may be looked at as sounding silly, and those below a certain age may not get the inference, but I am reminded of a childhood cartoon.

    Wonder Twin powers activate

    Form of an Eagle


    Muir, Marc, Michael, if we can all put aside our differences, we just may be able to turn this listing ship around.

    All hands, man the pumps, and hard to Starboard!


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