Carnival of Maryland 51 is up

This is just a quick reminder to my readers that, since I’m now the head of the Maryland Blogger Alliance I also run the Carnival of Maryland. Naturally I’m out to assist the membership in any way I can.

Since there’s no football game today, why not spend a lazy Sunday afternoon or evening reading the newest edition (#51, it’s almost the second anniversary of our semi-weekly look at Maryland blogging) on ROTUS.

The next edition will fall on Sunday, February 8th and Going To The Mat plays host.

By the way, if you have a Maryland-based or Maryland-themed website and would like to join the MBA, let me know at We’re looking for a few more good men and women.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

4 thoughts on “Carnival of Maryland 51 is up”

  1. If I join the alliance, will you allow my anti-Andy posts to be included in the carnival? Based on the current edition, the opposing view is not welcome.

  2. That’s actually up to whoever hosts, but I don’t encourage censorship as long as the post is by a Maryland blogger or Maryland-related. While you don’t have to be a MBA member to contribute to the Carnival of Maryland, I encourage any interested blogger regardless of political stripe to join. We have several lefties already on board.

  3. To be honest, I don’t know. The blogroll on my site works fine.

    Sometimes that’s a hiccup internally – once in awhile one of my items on the sidebars fail to come up. Generally just getting out of the window then getting back in will kick things into gear.

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