Hey, it works!

As of this moment, I have completed my upgrade to WordPress 2.0.5. I know the place looks the same to those of you on the outside but I’m looking at something which is much different! (Like the fact I can center-justify.)

In the next day or so, I’ll rework some stuff and add things I promised like band links. I think I’ll remain with this theme since the “Journalized Sand” one continues to work on the new version. I like the three-column theme.

Author: Michael

It's me from my laptop computer.

2 thoughts on “Hey, it works!”

  1. See, this is why I don’t do Blogspot. Well, that and Google’s political donations (or at least their key employees) are 98% liberal.

    Actually, the three-column layout works well because it keeps all my links and such toward the top instead of having a long list that no one bothers reading. Now I have short lists that no one bothers reading. 

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